Node Admins - Registration

Node Admins Rules
1. Do not harass or threaten other members.
2. No Infecting members with malware, backdoors, or viruses
3. No direct links to infected downloads in posts or profiles.
4. No posting of personal information that isn`t yours. Privacy is to be respected here.
5. No adult images or links to adult websites.
6. One active account is allowed meaning multiple accounts will not be allowed unless you are either reporting your original account as hacked or your original account was closed for inactivity. Ban evading will result in the permanent closing of your old account and new accounts. No exceptions.
7. No threads or posts for donation begging. This includes loan requests or asking for investors.
8. Blackhat Activity disallowed.
9. Rules may change at any time without notice.
10. Content posted by users is their responsibility.

Posting Etiquette of Node Admins
1. Post in the correct category.
2. Use good grammar. Basically, start sentences with a capital and end them with punctuation.
3. Don`t double-post. That`s when you post one after another instead of editing your existing first post.
4. Don`t cross-post. That`s when you repeat a post in multiple threads or categories. Also, it applies if you post a thread with the same or similar content multiple times across forums or in a single forum.
5. Don`t post leaked content. Leaking is when information is taken from one place and posted somewhere else without giving any credit.
6. Create relevant subjects for threads.
7. When posting content from another site, credit the site; use quotes and link to the original content (unless it is a competing forum, in which case you shouldn’t be posting the content).
8. Be kind to others. How hard is it not to be an asshole?
9. Act like you`re older than 16 even if you aren`t.

Profile Policies
1. You cannot buy, sell, trade, or share your account.
2. We do not allow multiple accounts.
3. No adult images such as nudity.
4. You cannot link to competing sites.
5. No site goals such as "1000 Posts" or "100 Popularity".
6. All text must be in English or readable as English in the case of fancy Unicode.
7. You cannot impersonate other members.
8. No linking to shock sites.
9. Profiles should not have special characters which break or alter the layout.
10. We do not allow site goals or achievements in signature this includes but is not limited to posts, popularity, upgrades, and group memberships.
11. Signature images can be no larger than 650x200 pixels. Animated gifs should not be annoying.